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Visiting Our School

In order to help students adjust, themselves in their new and changed environment, parents and guardians are requested not a visit the students till at least one month has passed since their admission. During an academic year the parents are normally allowed to visit. In no case the parents or guardian should go direct to their wards. They should meet them through the Principle or the Headmaster, Parents and guardian are requested not to meet their wards in their wards bedroom or study room. They should meet them only in the reception hall, common room. Relatives or friends are not allowed to see the students unless they bring an introductory letter from their parents or guardians. Parents and guardians are expected not to visit their ward during the school hours. They may see them on Sunday or holidays, Parents are requested not to visit the house or come to school after 7:30 P.M to meet the Housemaster /Headmaster/Principal. No leave will be granted and parents not allowed to meet their wards after 7:30 p.m.



  • Students are not allowed to go home during the school term except in a few cases as mentioned below:

Students may be allowed a maximum leave of three days for the wedding of their brother or sister. This leave will not be granted during examination days or during a camp.

For all leave, written request should be made to the Principal. No leave shall be granted on a students request and no leave shall be granted on the request mase through Telgram/Fax! Telephone


Leave may be granted for some particular treatment of the student provided the Mo/Chief Medical Officer recommends it.

Leave may be granted for some particular treatment of the student provided the Mo/Chief Medical Officer recommends itIf a student is detained due to some illness, a medical certificate should accompany his application


Leave shall be considered only when the parent makes an application. Parents should not the date and the time, when the student is to return after leave. If a student does not return on due date, his name will be struck off from the school rolls and he may not be accepted back. The same rules applies for returning late after summer or winter vacation. A fine of Rs. 25/- per day shall be imposed for latecomers.